Re: Close reading guide for "Electronic oasis"

Thanks for sharing this. It's excellent. How did you annotate it or what did you use to create this? I agree that some 11 and 12 year olds might struggle with this dispatch. 

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Re: Close reading guide for "Electronic oasis"

I created a two-column table -- text on one side, annotation on the other, in Pages. Then exported it as PDF. If you'd like a soft copy of the guide in Word for editing, I've attached it to this reply. 

File Attachment :
OOEL electronic oasis reading guide.docx

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Re: Close reading guide for "Electronic oasis"

Thanks again. Good work.


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Re: Close reading guide for "Electronic oasis"

Thank you very much is an excellent idea.


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Re: Close reading guide for "Electronic oasis"

Thank you! Your document is beautifully formatted. Thank you to Rob  also, for asking how you created it. 


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Re: Close reading guide for "Electronic oasis"

We implimented your close read of "Electronic Oasis" today. We had read the dispatch with the first footstep, but your guiding questions really stimulated our discussions. 

Thank you again for sharing.

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Re: Close reading guide for "Electronic oasis"

Yes, the language of the Electronic Oasis dispatch is quite abstract for my 9th graders.  Thanks for sharing the resource!


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