Re: Would it be possible to open Out of Eden Learn more?

It also seems odd that we can't edit our own posts in this forum -- for example, to correct a couple of mistakes I made above.

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Re: Would it be possible to open Out of Eden Learn more?

Hi Paul

Thanks for these thoughtful comments Paul. A lot of the reasons for our walking parties being closed is to do with us having to adhere to research regulations - we have to prove that the space is 'safe' for students. Plus the idea was to create relatively intimate learning groups so that kids would have the sense of getting to know one another, albeit in an anonymous kind of way. But it would be fine for students to post work they've done on Out of Eden Learn in other places (I would even say a screen shot is fine) - it's just not cool if they post other kids' work. That said, I could look into just having their work be visible if they post links - but we definitely can't have people browsing whole walking parties to see what's going on.

I will talk to our developers re teachers having editing privileges in general, which I think is a good idea - but do know that kids can go back and correct mistakes by pressing the edit buttons on their activity feed (unfortunately this only applies to their posts rather than their comments at the moment, though we're looking to change that).  Finally, some teachers have asked for spellcheck to help avoid unnecessary mistakes - but given the natural variations in spelling (e.g. UK to USA to India) we didn't want to impose American English on everyone. However, if anyone knows a workaround for this - e.g. students choose from a menu which type of standard English they're going to write in - then we could revisit that situation.

Thanks very much,


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